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​Our mission at Cheney Faith Center is to help people know Jesus and live for Him daily. Jesus told us in Acts 1:8 that helping people know Jesus and live for Him starts in your own city and extends to the ends of the earth. We are thrilled to partner with missionaries that are helping others know Jesus here in Cheney and in remote parts of our world. It’s our heart that everyone would get an opportunity to believe in Jesus as their savior and live for Him everyday. You will find individuals and families that have made a great sacrifice to serve Jesus around the world. It is our privilege to support them with our prayers, finances, and love as they preach the gospel in their demographic. Joining missionaries as they serve Jesus is a great way for us to Know, Grow, and Go for Jesus too. Please consider how you could pray and give financially to our missionaries. God Bless!


The Hayes Family
Think Small Global

                                                                                   Gary and Paula founded thinkSMALL and now train up teams                                                                                    within each outreach country to minister to children ages four                                                                                 to 14. This safety-based program has been invited into public                                                                                schools in closed countries because trafficking and abuse are so prevalent.​ With the help of our church partners, including Cheney Faith Center,  thinkSMALL currently supports, 14 thinkSMALL Training Teams in Thailand, Burundi, Congo, Kenya, Peru and in 2 restricted countries (we cannot mention their names).  These Training Teams have trained over 1000 local Church Teams to reach, disciple and protect children.  

Since 2007, over 485,000 (including over 75,000 adults) have made decisions to follow Christ through thinkSMALL ministry and over 80 percent have entered discipleship.

Hundreds of thousands of children have been helped through thinkSMALL Gospel Child Empowerment outreaches that empower children to resist abuse, trafficking and drugs.


Please pray for: 

  • The transformation of nations worldwide-- through the protection, evan­gelism and discipleship of children for Christ! 

  • Pray for churches worldwide to rise up and work to fulfill the Great Commission from Jesus! (Matthew 28:19-20)

  • Pray for children around the world to be protected, saved and discipled to become lifelong Jesus-followers.​​​​​

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CFC Missionaries

Natalie Going
Students International

                                                                My name is Natalie Going and the Lord is currently calling me to be                                                                  a missionary in the Dominican Republic. I will be doing both                                                                               evangelism and discipleship through relational ministry with the                                                               organization Students International. The Lord has equipped me with Spanish language training for the past 7+ years and through my recent college degree in global ministry. Although I am currently called to the Dominican, I am willing to be uprooted and moved as the Lord calls. I simply desire to go to wherever and do whatever the Lord asks and my prayer is that you would do the same.

Tysen Stephens
Cru - Eastern Washington University

                                                              As someone who came to Christ in college, I am excited to serve                                                                     God and work as a part of the amazing community that brought                                                                  me to Him. Eastern Washington University is an incredible place that                                                         brings people from all walks of life together. I believe that stepping into a leadership role alongside the people that have grown my faith and to show Jesus to incoming college students is one of the best jobs in the world. It's my hope that every student on Eastern's campus has the opportunity to hear the Gospel.

Ways to support!

1) Continued prayer for God to move in powerful ways on EWU's campus.

2) Monthly or one time donations are vital to supporting my ministry.

3) Expanding my support team. If you know anybody who may be interested in hearing about my ministry, please feel free to contact me.

Jayce Freeman
Athletes in Action

                                                    We serve with Athletes in Action on Eastern Washington University's                                                                campus & also in the Greater Spokane Area. We work to develop college                                                 athletes into becoming the Total Athlete - someone who is physically,                                                      mentally, and spiritually healthy. We dream of the day where there is a Christ-follower on every team on every campus in every nation. We are chasing after this by trusting God to build multi-ethnic spiritual movements in every athletic department that impacts the campus, community, and the world for Christ.


We want it to be impossible for any athlete to come through EWU and not encounter someone who truly follows Jesus.

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Taylor and Cassidy Griffin
Chi Alpha - Central Washington University

                                                  Taylor & Cassidy’s vision is to create a Spirit-empowered, diverse                                                                  community of believers on Central's campus, declaring in word and lifestyle their faith in Jesus Christ, equipped to fulfill their purpose in God’s global plan. Day to day looks like: meeting with students 1:1 for an hour each, planning and leading a small group, creating community and helping lead the weekly large group meetings.

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Sundays Gatherings:
8:30am & 10:30AM

8:30am live-streamed through youtube

Faith kids classes at Both services

Thanks for submitting! We'll be in touch.



300 N 2nd Street

Cheney WA 99004

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